Arena "leak" in glibc

I was recently working on really strange memory issue. Over the course of 1-2 weeks, memory usage of memsqld increased despite no change in the amount of data stored. To make matters even more interesting, memsqld keeps extremely detailed accounting of memory usage (by tracking calls to mmap, malloc, etc). memsqld's accounting was off, reporting that we were only use ~2-3G of memory despite actually consuming ~15G of memory. What was going on?

The first thing I did was capture the output of /proc/$PID/maps in the offending process and then generated a core dump so I could get memsqld running again and do analysis offline.

I summed up all the different types of memory using awk and noticed that the 12GB difference appeared to be coming from ~64MB regions that were mapped rwxp:

$ cat proc_pid_maps | gawk '{ split($1, a, "-"); b=strtonum("0x" a[1]); e=strtonum("0x" a[2]) } /stack/ { t="stack"; } /heap/ { t="heap"; } /\.so/ { t="so" } /\.mu/ { t="mu" } /\.mo/ { t="mo"; }  (!t) { $1 = ""; t=$0} { print e-b " " t ; t=""}' | awk '{ s=$1; $1=""; b[$0] += s; c[$0] += 1 } END { print "bytes count type"; for (t in b) { print b[t] " " c[t] " " t } }' | sort -nk 1

bytes count type
4096 1  r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vsyscall]
8192 1  r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar]
8192 1  r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vdso]
8192 1  r-xp 00000000 ca:3400 262148 /data/logs/sharding_log_0
20480 1  r-xp 00000000 ca:3400 262166 /data/logs/app_old_log_0
73728 1  r-xp 00000000 ca:3400 262157 /data/logs/app_log_0
499712 1  r-xp 00000000 00:42 86 /memsqlbin/lib/interp_ops.bc
4460544 125  mo
4796416 1  rwxp 02085000 00:42 51 /memsqlbin/memsqld
6656000 242  r-xp 00000000 00:00 0
8245248 89  mu
34103296 1  r-xp 00000000 00:42 51 /memsqlbin/memsqld
55984128 81  so
375599104 1  heap
1515778048 1037  ---p 00000000 00:00 0
2380578816 871  stack
12578443264 359  rwxp 00000000 00:00 0

Using perf to trace mmaps

I wanted to see who was allocating these large regions, so I used perf to record a stack trace any time the memsqld process mmaped a region of memory greater than 60MB in length1:

$ sudo perf record -g -e syscalls:sys_enter_mmap --filter 'len > 60000000' --pid $PID_OF_MEMSQL -o /path/to/storage -- sleep $2_DAYS_IN_SECONDS

Unfortunately, this proved to be useless -- since libc on Linux is typically compiled without frame pointers, the stack traces we got were very short:

memsqld   531 [003] 3033773.536620: syscalls:sys_enter_mmap: addr: 0x00000000, len: 0x08000000, prot: 0x00000000, flags: 0x00004022, fd: 0xffffffff, off: 0x00000000
        7fb0a4d6297a mmap64 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

I figured I'd use perf probe to trace the mmap64 library call boundary so I could see the stacks, but unfortunately, this didn't work inside docker2:

root@memsql-leaf-1-2649458094-nz33q:/data/areece# perf probe /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ mmap64 'len=%si'
Probe point 'mmap64' not found.
  Error: Failed to add events.

A lucky guess

Going back to the drawing board, I looked at the data in the core dump. When I looked at the memory near those 64MB sections, I noticed that the contents looked heap-ish:

(gdb) x/100a 0x7f8f98000000
0x7f8f98000000: 0x7f8f98000020  0x0
0x7f8f98000010: 0x3e27000   0x4000000
0x7f8f98000020: 0x200000000 0x7f8f980fa580
0x7f8f98000030: 0x0 0x7f8f9a6646e0
0x7f8f98000040: 0x7f8f9ab025f0  0x0
0x7f8f98000050: 0x0 0x0
0x7f8f98000060: 0x0 0x0
0x7f8f98000070: 0x0 0x7f8f9be069e0
0x7f8f98000080: 0x7f8f9bdda2a0  0x7f8f9bdd9fb0
0x7f8f98000090: 0x7f8f9bdc3210  0x7f8f980910f0
0x7f8f980000a0: 0x7f8f980a4cb0  0x7f8f99678920
0x7f8f980000b0: 0x7f8f9aad0b90  0x7f8f98104070
0x7f8f980000c0: 0x7f8f98057370  0x7f8f9a649470
0x7f8f980000d0: 0x7f8f9aac2df0  0x7f8f9808e630
0x7f8f980000e0: 0x7f8f9a66e920  0x7f8f996222a0
0x7f8f980000f0: 0x7f8f9bce28e0  0x7f8f9ab89030

Furthermore, the permissions on these pages matched the permissions on our heap:

0345b000-098c0000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]

I looked for ways to introspect the glibc heap and found malloc_stats(3). Sure enough, this revealed the issue:

$ gdb --batch --pid 6 --ex 'call malloc_stats()'
Arena 0:
system bytes     =  157237248
in use bytes     =   82474432
Arena 1:
system bytes     =  245886976
in use bytes     =    4931712
Arena 2:
system bytes     =  191258624
in use bytes     =    3757776
Arena 3:
system bytes     =  187617280
in use bytes     =    1905632
... <snip> 
Arena 63:
system bytes     =  274530304
in use bytes     =    1173504
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes     = 3299606528
in use bytes     =  645742704
max mmap regions =       1086
max mmap bytes   =  456876032

(ignore the total – glibc uses a 32bit counter for total bytes which overflowed. The correct sum of each arena system_bytes is 14GB)

Turns out these regions are the product of a glibc malloc feature: per thread arenas. An arena is a self contained portion of the heap from which memory can be allocated; each arena is completely independent of the other arenas. The glibc malloc implementation attempted to improve performance by allowing all threads to use their own arena (up to a default cap MALLOC_ARENA_MAX of 8 arenas per CPU core). When a thread goes to allocate memory, it tries to exclusively lock the arena it allocated from most recently; however, upon failing, the thread will switch to another arena or create a new arena if all arenas are busy.

For applications with a small number of threads that use malloc heavily, this approach works well. Unfortunately, memsqld uses malloc very sparingly but uses a large number of threads; in this workload, we had managed to induce a pathology where we had 64 malloc arenas that were using only ~1% of about ~200MB of system memory for user data, a huge waste of memory. Fortunately, the "fix" is simple –- we set the maximum number of arenas back down to one per core by setting the MALLOC_ARENA_MAX environment variable appropriately.

  1. I found the name of the filter arguments via cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/syscalls/sys_enter_mmap/format

  2. I suspect that perf probe interacts poorly with Linux filesystem namespaces; has anyone played around here before? 

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