In this post, I play around with some make functions and eventually provide a constructive proof that the make syntax is turing complete via reduction to μ-recursion.
First, we have to construct numbers. I used the representation of numbers as
unary strings of the character 0
: ie, the number 4 is represented by 0000
(zero being the empty string). We can also compute the successor of a number:
# If this is called as a make function, $(1) will be replaced with the first
# function argument.
successor = O$(1)
$(info $(call successor,O)) # Outputs 'OO'
Life is a lot easier if we can compute predecesser. Luckily, this is pretty easy for us too:
monus_one = $(patsubst O%,%,$(1))
$(info $(call monus_one,OO)) # Outputs '0'
Now lets actually do computation with this. It is hideous, but we can actually compute fibonacci numbers in make:
fib = $(if $(1),$(if $(call monus_one,$(1)),$(call fib,$(call \
monus_one,$(1)))$(call fib,$(call monus_one,$(call monus_one,$(1)))),O),O)
Let me try to break this up a bit. I'll add comments but it will no longer be valid make.
# fib (n):
fib = $(if $(1), # If n > 0:
$(if $(call monus_one,$(1)), # if n - 1 > 0:
# return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
$(call fib,$(call monus_one,$(1)))$(call fib,$(call monus_one,$(call monus_one, $(1))))
,O) # else: return 1
,O) # else: return 1
This is pretty fun and all, but we haven't actually done anything that we couldn't do with a primitive recursive function. We can easily show that make is more powerful than primitive recusion by encoding the Ackerman function.
ack = $(if $(1),$(if $(2),$(call ack,$(call monus_one,$(1)),$(call \
ack,$(1),$(call monus_one,$(2)))),$(call ack,$(call monus_one,$(1)),O)),$(2)O)
All right, so how far can we take this? As it turns out, there is a class of functions that are computable only by a turing complete language: µ-recursive functions. They are the primitive recursive functions with the addition of the minimization (µ) operator: µ of f(x) is the minimum x such that f(x)=0. As it turns out, we can encode this operator in make:
# muh f x returns the first number greater than or equal to x such
# that f(x) is true.
muh = $(if $(call $(1),$(2)),$(2),$(call muh,$(1),O$(2)))
# mu f returns the first number greater than or equal to 0 such
# that f(x) is true.
mu = $(call muh,$(1),)
Wow! There we have it, make is turing complete. As a final piece of fun, here is the inverse ackerman function:
not = $(if $(1),,O)
# lesseq_template n creates a function lesseq_y that returns y < x
define lesseq_template
lesseq_$(1) = $$(findstring $$(1),$(1))
# geack_template y creates a function geack_y that returns ack(x) > y
define geack_template
geack_$(1) = $(eval $(call lesseq_template,$(1)))\
$$(call not,$$(call lesseq_$(1),$$(call ack,$$(1),$$(1))))
# invack n: Find the first value x such that ack(x) > n.
invack = $(eval $(call geack_template,$(1)))$(call mu,geack_$(1))
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